Wednesday, February 16, 2011

iMovie Reflection

Im doing this piece of homework a little late so Im going to make this as short as possible but with as much information as possible.

Mao and Cheyenne

They did a awesome job of making their presentation on time and getting enough information into the iMovie. They were clear on what time period and what Khufu accomplished. This was one of the top three presentations that I watched by far. The made the presentation fun to watch and still have info in it! I really enjoyed the pictures that they used and that they had the iMovie inside in the time limit.

William and Cameron

This presentation was reasonable for information. But it was quiet hard to make out what the were saying because of the tones of their voices. But this was by far one of the funniest iMovies in the class. I enjoyed the photos that they used to describe Khufu. The video it self was pretty good and the info hard to make out but I enjoyed listening to the iMovie . I believe i would give it a 6/10 for fun!

Victor and Ramon
-Queen Nefortedee-

Ok I really liked this presentation because of all the information that was jammed packed into this 3-4 minute video! It may have been a little bland but boy did I enjoy it. I didn't even know about that Pharaoe until this presention came out. I think they could have used a little mpre fun but I really enjoyed it!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

King Tut's Story

341-1323 B.C

Egypt was at war and nobody was able too sleep at night knowing that there king couldn’t protect them from the troubles tha1t lay upon them. Akhenaten the Pharao of at the time was in havoc and he could not maintain his own kingdom. But... At this time, his wife was pregnent and they knew that this baby would be the new air to the throne. Akhentaten was at his wives side while giving birth. “Its going to be ok.” he comforted her. “I don’t know if I’m going to make it through this. There was a curdling scream. “Please don’t scream! Your hurting my ears!” He pleaded. But the screams kept on. But then, there was silence. But all he could hear... Was the cry of a baby. He picked the baby up. “He’s a boy. The next air to the throne.” he said. “My queen?” he said again. He looked over to his wife. She lay still. Not moving at all. He looked down at the baby. “I have two children now.” he wispered. But this was true. He has one older daughter. And now a son. “Your name is Tutinkhamen. And you shall be the air to my throne.” he said.

15 years later.

“Get those walls built as quick as you can!”, “Yes sir!” “We need them built before the rain season comes! The city will not flood this year!” Yelled King Tut. King Tut was riding around the city in his Chariot ordering the servants what to do, just like any king would. Once the king was happy with what his servants had built his headed back to his palace. He was offered wine and banquets when he got back, and he happily excepted. King Tut had two daughters. Both stillborn. He was married to his Half sister Ankhesenepatan. “Sire” Said one of his servants. “What is it?” He answered back. “We need more supplies for the flood wall. We cant keep building if we don’t have enough resources.” He told him. “And what do you want me to do about that? Be gone! I do not want you peasants pestering me!” He yelled. “But sire.” he pleaded “Why are you still here? I will kill you if you do not leave.” King Tut said. “Please, we need more supplies!” The servant yelled. King Tut paused and looked at the servant. “Kill him” He ordered. “Sir plea-” The servant was silenced. Thump~. “Take him away!” The guards dragged the body away and through it over the city walls. “I’m bored with these servants. They’re all so weak” Said king Tut. “What number was that?” He asked one of his guards. “The fourteenth this week sir.” He replied. “Why do they always pester me?” he asked again. “I don’t know sir...” he wispered. Tut picked up his wine glass and sipped from it. “Are you loyal to me?” He asked one last time. The guard did not talk. “ Guard? Are you loyal to do my tasks?” He asked loudly. “Yes sire...” he replied. “Good. Then go retrieve three sacrifices to show the servants never to offend me.” he said. “Sire?” the guard wimpered. “Go now or I will kill you!” he yelled. The guard stepped back. Then ran out the palace. “And don’t come back until you have the servants!” A few hours passed and the guard did not come back.

“Were is that idiot!” King Tut yelled. Just then two guards walked into into the room. They were carrying a small sack. There was something in it. “What is it guards?” King Tut asked unpatiently. “We found a guard trying to sneak out of the city. He was one of your bodyguards.” One said. “He was carrying this note” the other said. The guard offered him a piece of parchment. King Tut took the parchment and looked at it. The king kings face turned red when he saw what was written on the parchment..

At midnight we will meet outside of the city walls. There we can consult the assination of the kings death. Come alone.
- Manisha
“And don’t worry sir, we killed the guard with the note.” The guard opened the sack and dumped a head on the ground. “Good job soldiers” He said. “Would you like us to kill Manisha?” The first guard said. “No, bring him to me... I want to kill him myself” Answered king Tut. “Yes sir.” The guards walked off to find the traitor. “Servant! Bring me more wine.” The king demanded. The servant walked over and filled the goblet with wine. He instantly picked it up and drank it down. “I will kill anyone who is not loyal.” He said angrily. Three hours past and the guards did not come back. But a man with golden amour did. “Who are you?” King Tut asked. The man did not answer. “Peasant! Answer me!” He yelled again. “I am Manisha, and I have come to kill you.” He said. He showed showed the king to heads. The guards that went to kill him. “Guards! Kill that man!” The king yelled. Ten guards ran into the room. Armed with spears and swords. Manisha then took out two knifes. “Bring it on...” He said. The guards rushed towards the traitor. Suddenly one of the guards stopped running at him. The guard fell on the ground coughing up blood. The looked back at the Manisha. He was holding a bow now. The guards equipped their shields and starting to move forward. Manisha started to fill there shields with arrows. But they did not stop moving forward. “I will get you some day!” He yelled. Then he ran out the door. “After him!” Tut screamed.

The guards rushed after him. Hours passed and there was no sign of his death. Then two of the guards walked in. The were both wounded. “Is he dead?” Tut asked. “Yes sir... But he put up quite a fight.” he answered. “But he’s only one man? What can he do?” He said. “The slaves are hard to kill when attacking in numbers.” He said back. King Tuts slaves had turned against him and were now rioting in the city. “How many guards have survived in the city?” asked Tut. “Just us sir...” The king looked down. As if he were about to cry. “Sire?” The guard said. “Round up my army and chariot. Blood is going to be split tonight.” Said Tut. “Yes sir!” He said back. The two wound soldiers ran of to the barracks.The king stood up from his throne and started to walk outside. It only took thirty or more minutes to round up all the troops.They all stood in line waiting for from their king to give orders. “We will go and kill all the slaves who appose us. Or we will make them surrender.” “If not! Kill everyone. Family member or not kill them. Or you will die with them.” Yelled king Tut. Your chariot has arrived sir. Said one of the guards. Tut climbed on to his chariot and started towards the center of the city. The army marched behind him. Once they all had reached the center of the city.The slaves, had an army of there own. “We will not tolerate any of your dumb orders anymore Tut!” One of the bigger slaves said. “Step down unless you want to die!” Screamed King Tut. “Your outnumbered by at least three thousand. You have no chance.” Yelled King Tut again. “Then we shall die!!!” He yelled back. “Kill them. Kill them all.” Said Tut. “Block out the sun.” The captain nodded. “Archers! Ready! Arrows!” he screamed. “Now!” said Tut. “Fire!!!” The captain screamed. Thousands of arrows flew into the air. Everything turned dark. The arrows had blocked out the sun. The arrows rained down onto the slaves. Killing them by the thousands. “Swords!” The captain yelled. “Charge!” Yelled Tut. The army charged towards the slaves. The was the sound of swords clashing, people screaming and blood throughout the city. “The slaves are losing! The city is our again!” Yelled one of the soldiers. King Tut looked around as the slaves ran away from the battle. But little did he know a wound slave was sneaking up behind him with a club. King Tut turned around a little to late. The slave swung the club and wacked him in the side of the head. There was a shattering pain in his head. The king made one last move. He pulled out his sword and swung it at the slaves head. SLUNK! The slaves head toppled off and fell on the ground. Everything was darkening. The light started to fade. Then... All went black for the king.

King Tut died 1323 B.C at the age of 18. He died from a shattering blow to the head. We know this because of a head injury from his mummy. Also he could of died of a disease or a leg problem. We will never really know the real cause of the kings death.

iMovie and Story

Well the thing is that Im the only kid in the class who wrote a story. Mr. Fischer noticed that I enjoy writing in class and I was leaving too New Zealend so he let me make a easier project. He let me write a story about king Tut! I was so happy that I didn't have to make an iMovie and I just sent it to him on the 12th.
This blog post is mostly about other peoples iMovies. I have to choose one pair of people to give a comment about so Im going to choose.... Ayaka's group! I know that the didn't have enough time to finish but still! The took the time that they had and made it into a information filled movie. I really enjoyed it and the took an idea, like the made it sound as if they went back in time. I really enjoyed it and it was really funny too. The even had bloopers in the end.