Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Moment of Courage

 When I was about eight years old in Australia I used too play a sport by myself that I like too call "Wave Diving". It's a fun game really but it's dangerous. You find a good beach and then you find the biggest wave you can. When it's coming towards you dont run away because you WILL get toppled by the wave and it is not a good feeling. But for me its very scary when you see a seven or ten foot high wave coming at you.
 But the real reason of my courage of this that one day  my family and I went too a beach to have fun and relax. When I saw the size of most of the waves there... my jaws dropped in amazement. I ran right into the ocean not caring how cold it was, next I jumped into the first wave that came my way. The water was cold on my face. And then I rubbed the water out of my eyes and then got ready for the next wave. But my eyes were widened when I saw the wave that was coming towards me. I was frozen because it was at least  nine feet high at first then when it got nearer it was at least eleven feet high.
 I tried to move but I was too scared. But the wave was too close now. I didn't know what to do. Then it was like my body moved on my own. I dove smack dab right in the middle of the monster wave. But I didn't put enough strength too go all the way through the wave. It pushed me back and I landed on the sea floor. But I wasn't hurt at all... Maybe a little sore but nothing wrong with me. "I did it", "I took on the monster wave".


  1. yo dylin I like your corauge thingy and I love the way you said "my body moved on its own" and I like the way you said monster wave. I acually pictured my self in your possition and I could picture you going holly beep

  2. Dylan I enjoyed your story about taking on the monster wave. I love the expresion " dived smack dab..." reallly makes me think that you were being pushed around by the high waves,and " my jaws dropped in amazment"... it must have all been a big surrprise and an unusual experience for you.
