Kristallnacht was also known and the night of the broken glass because the Nazis, StormTroopers and German Citizens smashed a looted Jewish homes and businesses and smashed all the glass of the buildings. There was so much glass it was like crystals. Around 100 Jewish people were killed during this Antisemitism protest. This all happened between 1933 and 1938. This was all started by 17 year old Jewish Herschel Grynszpan, when he shot a young Nazi politician in the German embassy in Poland. He did this out of anger and frustration because the Nazis were not letting his family out of Germany.
The shooting was the fuse for this outbreak. The man that was shot died in the hospital a few days later. The Nazis took this as a chance to discriminate the Jewish people. The German people took part in this and destroyed Jewish Shops, Businesses and homes. But a big reason for the people taking part in this horrible act is Gerbals. Head officer of Propaganda. He was in charge of discriminating Jewish people in giving them a bad name. Making posters and newspaper articles and even children’s books to tell the german population. That they were not people. Throughout this more Jews were killed. They were not able to leave the country because of Immigration quotas. America only accepted 15,000 immigrants every year. Also a number of 191 synagogues were burned during this. Over 1,000 homes were looted and destroyed.
Its just horrible. No person or people should have to go through such pain. Such discrimination. They were beat and stolen from. There homes were looting and destroyed. If I was a german living in that kind of apocylspe I could not just stand there and watch. I would stand up and fight for the Jewish people. Not anyone on the planet should have to go through that. But my biggest question is why? Why did hitler. Out of all the people in the world choose them? What is the motivation of Hitlers ideas?
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